Monday, April 23, 2012

Monday's Meditation~

   Last week in the post - "10 Questions To Ask Your Doctor" question one was;  "Can you tell me why I developed Parkinson's Disease? Well that's the first question all patients ask (including Me). My doctor's answer was we don't know! At the time that is not the answer I wanted to hear. I wanted an answer filled with medical terms and other medical jargon (:D). We covered my family medical history and no one was ever diagnosis and we did the necessary medical tests and the results had not really concluded an answer. So the answer the doctors gave me was, I had the non-inherited PD.
   In the post about Muhammad Ali it stated, "he might have been diagnosis early on by the trauma of the constant blows to his head from his boxing career".  This was a question the doctors asked me; if I     experienced a head trauma before? I did not but at an early age (20) I was involved in an accident that caused severe trauma to my entire body! Even though I survived and was able to lead a normal and productive life, this was information the doctors could use in my treatment of PD.
   The good news that my doctor did to encourage me was unlike other diseases such as Cancer, Diabetes, Hypertension and MS just to name a few. PD is a disease that I can see and monitor on a daily basis. I can tell my doctor when some changes have occurred in my body and if the medicine is not working. At that time, in my life, this was the answer I needed to hear!

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~We Are Not Disabled~


*African Proverb*

*Living with PD*

*Living with PD*




*Faces of PD*

*Faces of PD*

*Live, Love and Enjoy Life*

*Live, Love and Enjoy Life*