Today I will be sharing with you, my viewers, how depression creeped upon me and almost destroyed my life. It started out slowly and I didn't recognize the signs until it was almost to late. I was coping with PD and taking my medicine so I didn't notice or understand the feelings of anxiety, irritability, and mood swings. I didn't want to be bothered with my family and friends. I just wanted to stay in bed all the time. When family members noticed, they suggested I should talk to the doctors about what might be wrong.
I talked to the doctor and was informed that depression were side effects and symptoms that PD patients often suffer. So here I was acting out of character and having crazy thoughts and there was a name for it called Depression. The doctor's answer to everything is to prescribe more medicine. So what they prescribed was the medicine Prozac®. Now by this time I know that if you are taking medications, the sides effects are too many to name and can enhance the feelings you are already having. So instead of helping the medicine had adverse reaction for me. My only hope now was to tackle another chapter in my life...
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