Welcome to my new friend in Portugal! Continue with me on this journey!
~Lovingly, Always A Diva
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Monday, September 24, 2012
Sunday, September 23, 2012
PDF Awareness~
PDF Research Advocate Sister Mary Daniel at the New Orleans Saints football game today to help raise awareness of Parkinson's. Thank you Saints!
~Taken from FB page Parkinson Disease Foundation
Bucket List!
Hello Readers,
I went to a website (www.bucketlist.net) to write a bucket list. It started as fun but gradually gave me something to think about. 10 things I want to do before I die? I keep things in my head but when I began to write it down on paper, it was a project of sorts to make me remember how precious life is. I enjoyed it...I only reached seven but I'm pretty sure I can come up with 10:) Try it!
Lovingly, Always A Diva
Friday, September 21, 2012
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Online forums:
Did you know about "Ask the Doc" online forums? You can ask questions about Parkinson's and get answers from: movement disorder specialists, a pharmacist, a nutritionist and a speech clinician -- including National Medical Director, Dr. Michael Okun!
Save the Date!
Save the date! The Fall 2012 Young Onset Parkinson Conference will take place November 16-17 in Cincinnati, Ohio. Learn more about the Young Onset Parkinson Conference today at www.parkinson.org/yopc
Monday, September 17, 2012
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Friday, September 14, 2012
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Friday, September 7, 2012
Thursday, September 6, 2012
While "Attitude" is not everything, it sure can help!
First, a person must come to terms with the fact that you now have Parkinson's Disease, and it's not going to go away. You, like me, are stuck with it. There may be a cure sometime down the road, but nobody knows when that will be. In the meantime we have to make the best of it.
The sooner you do this, the better off you will be. Nobody said it was going to be easy!
After your diagnosis has been confirmed, and a second opinion obtained, you have a choice. You can choose to accept, and make the best of it, or you can choose to "fight" it.
The Mind, the Body, and the Spirit are one! To hurt one, is to hurt them all. If you choose not to accept the fact that you have Parkinson's, and after a reasonable period, dwell in anger and self pity you are going to burden your Mind and Spirit as well as your body.
Which is only going to make life harder for you.
Anger is a natural human emotion, and if not allowed to become a habit, does no great harm. However if allowed to become constant, like any other negative emotion, it becomes destructive to your Trinity. Most, if not all, negative emotions create stress and tension.
Stress and tension are the last things a person with Parkinson's needs. Stress upsets your body, which upsets your stomach, which decreases the quality of your life. As your stomach goes ....... so goes your day.
Taken from: http://www.livingalonewithparkinsons.com
New Friends!
Welcome to my new friends from Iceland and the Ukraine!! Thank you for following me on this journey!!
Lovingly, Always A Diva
Lovingly, Always A Diva
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Hello Readers,
Since I will be on my own soon, I'm looking for information to help me through my day. I won't be totally alone my yorkie, Marley, will be with me but he just follows me everywhere I go. :) So I found this website; Living Alone With Parkinson's "Works4Me" and it offers good information for being on your own. http://www.livingalonewithparkinsons.com
~Lovingly Always A Diva
Monday, September 3, 2012
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Hello Friends,
Sorry I haven't been posting but I have been under the weather. Sometimes my medications, as many of you know, have side effects that can make you sick. With the weather getting cooler in the evenings, it pains my back more. I'm on the right medications right now but you have your up and down days.
There is good news though, I will be moving on my own soon with my two teenage children. This is good because my older daughter has been my caregiver for about five years and because I can get around better, she is moving on to a new place to live. I have been truly grateful for all her help and wish her blessings as she makes this transition. She will be still checking on me and keeping me to stay in shape. :) My love to her!!!
So I'll be posting next week more information on PD and anything I find that can help us and loved ones who have PD to live a strong, happy and long life!!!
Loving, Always A Diva
Sorry I haven't been posting but I have been under the weather. Sometimes my medications, as many of you know, have side effects that can make you sick. With the weather getting cooler in the evenings, it pains my back more. I'm on the right medications right now but you have your up and down days.
There is good news though, I will be moving on my own soon with my two teenage children. This is good because my older daughter has been my caregiver for about five years and because I can get around better, she is moving on to a new place to live. I have been truly grateful for all her help and wish her blessings as she makes this transition. She will be still checking on me and keeping me to stay in shape. :) My love to her!!!
So I'll be posting next week more information on PD and anything I find that can help us and loved ones who have PD to live a strong, happy and long life!!!
Loving, Always A Diva
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~We Are Not Disabled~

*African Proverb*
*Living with PD*


*Faces of PD*

*Live, Love and Enjoy Life*