Happy New Year, Happy Valentine's Day and soon we will be celebrating St. Patrick's Day!
Sorry I have been gone so long. I was hospitalized for most of December and still under the weather for the month of January. Then my computer broke and, after a month, I just recently got it back! It has been just one obstacle after another. I'm still hanging in there and I have missed writing on the blog!
This March will be 10 years since I was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease. It has been a journey that I did not envision for myself 10 years later. I have been hospitalized too many times, tried new medicines that made me sicker, and fought to get financial assistance only to be told that I still can function like a person without a disease. The system doesn't recognize PD as a disease. They don't understand that you might suffer from depression or you get sick from the medicines that you take!
Ten years later, I am dealing with life with PD one day at a time! I wake up thankful everyday! I just make adjustments because I don't know how my body is going to react. I am on new medications and I'm living with this disease positively! I have had more good days than bad days so I won't complain!
I will be posting again so please continue to follow me on my journey!